Wednesday, February 10, 2010


OFB- Lets start off with an easy question. Would you rather fight in a zombie war or a robot war? iRobot robots not those Transformers robots.

ELMIFY- Hmm well robots are mechanical and zombies are organic I could kill the zombie but technically its already dead. I could break the robot but it might just repair itself I think this is actually a tough one. Umm if they were iRobot robots, would Will Smith be there? Because that would be awesome.

OFB- Which team are you on, Team Harry Potter or Team Twilight?

ELMIFY- Team Harry Potter, most definitely. I grew up on those books!

OFB- Meekakitty really helped you become mega popular on YouTube, do you know what made her look at your first video? I know that when she tweeted about it I looked!

ELMIFY- I have absolutely no idea but Im extremely grateful that she did!!!

OFB- In one of your videos you said you just found out about the Internet.. Really?

ELMIFY- Ha, no, I had heard of its existence. But I didnt have a whole lot of experience with it until I got to college.

OFB- Besides Meekakitty, is there anyone else you look up to on YouTube?

ELMIFY- There are so many great youtubers out there, it's hard to pick!

OFB- The new iPad looks pretty awesome, do you think youll get one?

ELMIFY- No, I just got my first ipod! I guess Im sort of behind the technology curve.

OFB- Oh no, a meteor is going to strike the Earth in 5 hours and its the end of us, what would you do?

ELMIFY- I cant do disaster scenarios... that movie Deep Impact scared me bad when I was a kid!

OFB- What can we see from Elmify in 2010?

ELMIFY- Ummmm well most people didnt see much of me in 2009, so, lets just say whatever it is, it will be unprecedented!


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