Monday, February 1, 2010


OFB- Let's start off with a good question that is on everyone's minds these days.. Would you rather fight in a Zombie apocalypse or a robot war?  And I'm not talking about Transformers, more of a iRobot war.

TR- Mmmm well I would have to go with a zombie war, they are a lot slower and dumber, they just crave human flesh.  And I loved Zombie land

OFB- Apple just released the iPad, I think they look pretty sick!  Do you think you'll get one?  I mean come on it's the new hot gadget!

TR: If I had the extra 600 hundred dollars or whatever it is, them maybe I would hah, but most likely not.

OFB-Facebook or Myspace?  Most people have both but it seems like Facebook is taking over!

TR- Deffs facbook, hahah I don’t really get twitter but maybe ill check it out.

OFB-You can only have a playlist of 5 songs, what would your top picks be?

TR-Damn thats a tuff one hah, I really don’t think i could have just five songs but I know for a fact most of them if not all of them would be Blink 182, some deadmau5, and rusko

OFB-What is the best pick up line to get the girls?

TR- Do you have a mirror in your pocket? because I see myself in your pants… hah or are you tired? Because uv been running threw my mind all day.

OFB-Best place to skim?

TR-my favorite place has to be Wt. Street, along with Aliso. Anywhere is Laguna or Newport I like to hit up but those are my favorites

OFB- Number 1 influence?

TR- In life I don't know?? In skimboarding, defiantly Morgan Just

OFB- Last but not least, anyone you want to make a shout out to?

TR-Prolly just say whats up to all my poc homies haha, and jojo is the only one who skims with me day n night so hella ya broski!

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