OFB-Let's start off with a good question that is on everyone's minds these days.. Would you rather fight in a Zombie apocalypse or a robot war? And I'm not talking about Transformers, more of a iRobot war.
JP-Definitely a robot war! I love facebook and twitter but electronics are taking over our lives to a obsessed extent. I'm worried of the crazy guy out there who is going to invent the next big social networking site which involves your thoughts being posted to a blog page (mythoughts or nervebook). We need to take out the robots before the end us all...
OFB-Apple just released the iPad, I think they look pretty sick! Do you think you'll get one? I mean come on it's the new hot gadget!
JP-It is basically, for lack of better words, THE SH*T! But.. do I have that kind of cash to just spend!? Naw, I need to save in the economic downfall.
OFB-Facebook or Myspace? Most people have both but it seems like Facebook is taking over!
JP-Deleted my Myspace account a month ago and haven't even thought about it since you just asked this question. So most definitely Facebook!!
OFB-You can only have a playlist of 5 songs, what would your top picks be?
JP-Feeling This /Blink 182, First Date /Blink 182, Always /Blink 182, Lights /Journey
I Go Back /Kenny Chesney (and what sucks, is that, those are probably not even my favorite! I dont have favorites actually!)
OFB-What is the best pick up line to get the girls?
JP- Q. How much does a Polar Bear weigh?
A. Enough to break the ice, Whats up, Im (your name) Jojo!
OFB-Best place to skim?
JP- Aliso Beach, Laguna Beach, CA or West Street, Laguna Beach, CA basically any spot in Orange County because everywhere else doesn't even compare!!
OFB-Number 1 influence?
JP-Mother & father (they are a combined package)
OFB-Last but not least, anyone you want to make a shout out to?
JP-Jesus my Lord and Savior
Mark, Tom, & Travis
and..................................................... YOU! Thanks!
OFB- Where can we find out more about you?
JP- Twitter is where it's at! www.twitter.com/PensabeneIV