Friday, January 29, 2010


OFB-Let's start off with a good question that is on everyone's minds these days.. Would you rather fight in a Zombie apocalypse or a robot war?  And I'm not talking about Transformers, more of a iRobot war. 

TR-Haha I was expecting a different question but let's see, I've always been a fan of the Resident Evil gaming series. So, my answer is to be involved in a Zombie apocalypse war!

OFB-Apple just released the iPad, I think they look pretty sick!  Do you think you'll get one?  I mean come on it's the new hot gadget!

TR-Yeah its does and I definitely plan on getting one. I heard there a few glitches but nothing too serious. I'm actually really looking forward to getting an ipad because of its portability. Normally I carry my laptop with me, but it will be nice to carry an ipad rather than a MacBook. Plus the ipad will be more portable.  

OFB-Everything amazing starts from nothing, what do you think the secret to success is?

TR-That's a really good question. I think the secret to success revolves around many factors. You have to be committed, diligent in your work, persevere and overcome adversity, but most importantly you need to be willing to succeed. Ultimately, the secret to success is the way you think.  If you want to be successful you need to control your input. Why? because the input that you allow into your head become thoughts. These thoughts manifest into ideas which come out as words. The words you speak influences you to take action and do things. When you take the same actions, you create a habit. These habits finally represent your character. And your character will determine you destiny, which can be a success or not. Unfortunately, most people rarely figure this out. 

OFB-Who has been one person that has influenced you to make you be the person who you are today?

TR-One person that has influenced me to become the person I am today? Well that's a tough one because I surround myself around people of good influence. I'd have to say it's a guy by the name of Brad. About 2 years ago, I attended a business seminar. The night of the event, this guy named Brad, who is a self made multi-millionaire spoke about his life and what it took to build a company. He was bold and spoke with great passion. As he spoke that night, I felt like he was speaking directly at me. He influenced me to feel great, feel bold, like I could do anything I wanted in life...and that was his message for the night. Brad influenced me to really embrace who I was, which has led me to where I am today. I spend hours reading books on success, leadership, self growth and it has given me a great insight on life and business. It is because of Brad that I believed in myself again. It is the reason why I invest in myself, so I can invest in others. 

OFB-Facebook or Myspace?  Most people have both but it seems like Facebook is taking over!

TR-Yeah, Facebook has been taking over for awhile now. I have both but I like Facebook better. A lot more of the people I know are on there. Myspace is cool and all but, I'm not really digging all the new stuff that they have been doing. Like the Status update. 

OFB-You can only have a playlist of 5 songs, what would your top picks be?

TR-I would pick Eye of the Tiger, Gonna Fly Now (Rocky Theme), Draw the Line, Neighborhood Music and Forever by Drake. 

OFB-What's a day in the life of running

TR-Well since everything is online, I don't have to worry about any overhead or employees. But as far running it, I  just always make sure that I am learning and growing as a person. 

OFB-What is the best pick up line to get the ladies?

TR-"Damn, if being sexy is a crime, your guilty as charged!" haha No, that was a joke. The best pick up line is just to be real. Be legit, be who you are. 

OFB-What's in store for in 2010?

TR - I'm going to start doing some video blogging. There's more but you'll just have to stay tuned for what's to come :)

OFB-Thank you SO much for your time!  It means a lot to us, and all of our readers! PEACE!

TR-Yeah your welcome! Thank you. 

Stay Strong Dream Big shout out video:


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