Friday, July 31, 2009

Mayor of Lompoc Dick Dewees

"If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?" The Mayor of Lompoc, and Teacher of Speech Class always would say that. Dick Dewees passed away last night at Cottage Hospital in Santa Barbara. I never really knew what type of Mayor he was, but as far as a teacher goes, he was pretty sick! He always made the class pretty interesting and I always looked forward to his class!

R.I.P Mr. Dick Dewees!


Jake Brown

Jake Brown finally wins X Games gold for big air! It's about time! I'm glad to see him win, really. I felt he should of won the last X Games since it was after his crazy crash... He beat Bob Burnquist with a Backside 360 across the gap then to a 21 foot high 540 to win!

They showed a different camera view that made it so you kind of know how high you are, and it is INSANE! I could never ever do what they do, so MAJOR PROPS TO THEM!


Thursday, July 30, 2009

Ridding in the Rain

Ridding in the rain is never fun, especially at night! I found out that no matter what, you should always wear some type of glasses! When it is wet, and cold, and dark out, glasses would help a whole bunch! You know that raper Pharrel? How he always wears those clear glasses, yeah I need a pair of those!

Work starts on Monday.. I'm excited / bummed about it. One thing that is nice is I can finally get an iPhone once I get paid, on the flip side of everything, I have to drive to Santa Maria twice a day on Mondays and Wednesdays, SO that is a lot of driving, which ultimately equals a lot of Harris Grade time! I really wish I could go back and fourth on 2 wheels instead of 4, but you gotta roll with what you got! If you know of any best iPhone apps that you would like to suggest, feel free to suggest them! After you click on all the ads : )
Have you watched the video about the app that can scan barcodes? Now that is awesome!



Single Frame

Need something new to get down with? Check out Single Frame! I love this song, People Are Germs. I love anything with a crazy keyboard solo! Check out their website.. This is my favorite song by them..

I know, all my last few posts all have been videos, but that is because I think they are worthy of posting and that YOU will love them! SO DON'T HATE!

Dancing Down the Isle

This is what I'm talking about! Wayyy better than your average boring wedding! Good job on mixing it up!

Evolution of Dance

I really don't understand how this video is the number 1 video on YouTube!!!!!!!!!! It kind of makes me mad in some way...

Scan Barcodes with Your IPHONE!

Look at this video/app I came across! Sounds extremely sick to me! I just need an iPhone!

Skid Lid Helmet Review

Last week I ordered a new helmet from, called a skid lid! After being gone on vacation I finally got a chance to try it out, and first impressions is I love it! Of course looks aren't everything, how does it work while riding? IT IS SICK! Before I was using a full face crotch rocket helmet that was really nice, but you couldn't talk with it on and at slow speeds the visor would fog up, so I had to order a new one. I was kinda worried about my eyes watering at high speeds, but my knock off Ray Bans did the job perfectly! The amount of wind that goes over your face is crazy, and all the sounds are different! The motor sounds different with your ears exposed, and the wind, everything! I love how comfortable the helmet is as well! It's like your not even wearing one, which is a good and a bad thing I would suppose. All in all, I love the new helmet! I don't know how it will go over tonight, but it is an adventure!


Friends Closer Than Sisters

Have you ever known someone all your life, then to be separated because of a job? That is what is going on in this picture. 2 friends closer than sisters! Enjoy Virginia PARKS-KIDNEY! PEACE!

Mafia Night

At Rancho Oso, we came across some Mobsters... You have to watch out where you hang out! The guy (beee'low) threatened to shoot me!


Photo Competition!

That's right, the photo contest only has one more day to go! Don't forget to enter! We need more entries for prizes! It doesn't matter if you have a pro camera or even a camera phone, enter!
Send all the entries to

Rancho Oso Day TWO VLOG

Day two! VLOG! You know you love the Harry Potter RAP!

Rancho Oso Day One Vlog

First VLOG EVER! I know I should of moved my leg, dang shadows!

The Office

If you have been following you know I sent a photo to Kevin from The Office. Well after months of waiting and really even forgetting about the whole thing, I finally got a picture back! All I can say is, Hellllllllll Yeahhhhhhhhhh!


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Rancho Oso DAY TWO

HELLO! Day two was yesterday! Which means another late night vlog! And again, I can't upload it because there are like a MILLION people on the internet in the adult lounge, and for some reason I think they all have lost feeling in their hands because they are typing SUPER hard! That is something that annoys me, people that have to push super hard on the keys of their computer! It's like click click click! Same with cell phones! If you ever get a touch screen phone you will know what I am talking about. It's quite annoying! Job training starts on Monday, I am quite excited to start making some money! Want to make this site some more money? ( or even some money at all) Just click on all the ads! Pretty simple if you ask me! And again don't worry, you won't get a virus! Tomorrow is the last day so there won't be any blogs until later, and I'm going to make one super blog with all 3 video blogs! VLOGZ! So stay tuned for that! Holy crap the internet is SLOW!


Tuesday, July 28, 2009


YouTube is being incredibly stupid and won't let me upload the vlog I did last night. I don't know if it us YouTube or the internet here at Rancho Oso! On lighter news, I got a job! You know every year when school starts and those people take your picture for the year book? Well I'm one of them! HAHA yeahhh.. But hey at least it is a job, and now I can really say I am a professional photographer! BOOYAHH! The photos are some light painting fun we had last night! I like the red one that looks like there is a hook in the center! And of course my name!

I miss ridding the scooter around! But hey, now that I have a job, I plan on getting like a 250 Enduro bike.. Something like that, so I can go in the dirt and ride on the street!



Rancho Oso

Last night I decided to get dangerous and make a vlog. Now it's uploading and because were sitting in the adult lodge, it's taking forever! So once it is done, of course I will put it up on here, so you know all about Rancho OSO! Here is a photo I did. I like to call it 1970. Oh and there isn't any cell service here at all!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Jesse James is a Deadman

I think this show is kind of misleading in a way, to be honest. It really should be called, Jesse James gets to do this sickest things in the world! If you have ever seen the show he gets to do the coolest stuff! When can you ever jump a monster truck into a house?? NEVER! Unless you are Jesse James! Here is an old old photo of meeting him! Haha too much smile going on!


Ipod APP: Stick Wars

If you have never played one of these games, you should! There are a lot of variations of them out there on the internet, but my favorite App is Stick Wars! There are 2 versions, one with a lot of ads and not every feature, or an ad free one with everything! This game sure gets addicting, like extremely! The leader is on like level 300 or something! I have only been playing for a few days and am on level 20.. Makes ya think about what this guy does! DOWNLOAD IT!


Sarah Palin 3 day Picnic

Instead of just leaving office without a fuss, Sarah Palin decided to do it her own lame way. She made a 3 day tour of Alaska giving speeches to all her family and friends. Which pretty much means, it was the same 4 people at the different events! I really can't see it happening, but if Palin wins the election in 2012, I wonder what Vancouver, Canada is like! If you thought George W. Bush was a screw up... Palin would be like a screw up x 5. I'm surprised she still isn't calling herself a maverick still! I don't know what to say if you buy her book either. On the terms of Maverick, I feel bad for Tom Cruise because they pretty much KILLED the sick nickname!


Sunday, July 26, 2009

A Day in the Life OF..

Let's see what is on tap for tomorrow!

7 AM: Gym maybe if I am feeling DANGEROUS

10 AM: Job interview/ application fill out.. Click on the links people!

10 AM - 2 PM: Mad scooter riding.. You know you saw the photos!

4 PM till Thursday: El Rancho Oso!

All I have to say is, look back everyday for updates, a vlog, and who knows what!

Click on those links if you like the ocean!

Help This Site!

Money, Money, Money! Help this site by clicking on all the ads! I know, I know, you are afraid of getting a virus or some bug that will slow down your computer, but don't fear! I am pretty positive that you won't get a virus, so PLEASE help this site out, click on some ads, tell your friends about this site, and go to it everyday!




They have a new PSP coming out called PSPGO. Pretty much it is smaller and the screen slides up to unveil the buttons. This is what Playstation says..

Introducing the smallest and mightiest PSP® system yet. Download rich, immersive digital gaming or the best movies and TV shows saved directly to the ample 16GB hard drive. Browse the incredibly deep lineup of PSP gaming and movie content on the PlayStation® Network. Use built-in Bluetooth support to connect a wireless headset and utilize Skype to talk with friends. But best of all, show off your content via the ultra-crisp 3.8 inch LCD screen on the most portable PSP system yet.

Yeah.. I don't think I will be getting one in Fall 2009!



I just found mine, and have been playing it pretty much all day! Does anyone still play theirs? When I was playing mine, it was version 2. something, today I updated it and it's at version 5! HAHA wow has time gone by fast! I love how they have a store where you can spend your hard earned money on stuff you really don't need. Everything is really expensive too!

100 Miles! 68 DOWN!

That's right, the odometer reads 68! This time during the ride I decided to bring my camera along. Not really the best idea, but hey it was worth a shot AND I got some pretty cool photos : ) Will I try it again? OF COURSE! I rode up ahead and got some nice ones! The next time I will turn auto focus off!!! Who knows, it's all trial and error! CHECK THEM OUT!


Table Gun Lamp

How sick is this? You gotta admit! ..Ring..Ring.. Yes hello? I would like 5 of these! Thanks, MAX. Too bad the price tag is a nice, $1,756 US! I guess it costs to have a sick place!



Why do people like to portray them selves as rich and powerful, when really they have nothing going for them and like to pretend that they are extremely popular. Getting down to it, everyone hates fake people! The only person you are trying to convince is yourself! Really! Here is a would you rather. Would you rather go camping with a bunch of people, OR, would you rather stay at home all day alone? Pretty easy decision don't ya think? Then to say that I'm boring makes me LAUGH! That is calling the kettle black my friend! (Not really my friend) Here is some advice, GROW UP, COME OUT OF THE CLOSET, AND STOP THINKING YOUR ON SOME HIGH HORSE BECAUSE YOUR NOT BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE IN THIS WORLD!


You know, i never really understood motorcycle racing until now! Watching it is pretty sick! I love how they just fly around the corners just inches from the ground! If you don't know what i am talking about, it's the motorcycle racing on the crotch rockets. Supercross is pretty sick to watch too! But it's not on right now. I wish i could race with them, but i only have a scooter and i would probably kill myself on one! Other than that, i'm in!


I love RSS. What does RSS mean and what does it do?

Taken from Wikipedia
RSS (most commonly translated as "Really Simple Syndication" but sometimes "Rich Site Summary") is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works—such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video—in a standardized format

I have gotten questions about RSS'n this site.. It's easy. I know there isn't a little sweet button to click so when asked for the feed put in.. : )

Your welcome!


Here is the list so far.. You know, it is kind of hard to just write everything online in one sitting! Oh well, you have to start somewhere!



Ok this book is pretty sick! Have you ever wanted to keep track of everything you love or loved? Well now you can, in the best form, in a LIST! My sister has one of these books and it is pretty funny! On each page it has a little picture of someone doing something they love, or have tried that they love! One of them is dream jobs, and on the side is a DJ. I'm sure everyone makes a list on a weekly basis. A to-do list, hate list, grocery list, shit list, wish list, love list, shopping list.... You get the point. So you have 3 options, you can go to Urban Outfitters and buy one there, Borders sells them and you can just put in Listography into Google and buy one from there : ) Really, go out a buy one. No, buy 10 to give out as Christmas presents! That would be AWESOME!

YOU can even make one online! FOR FREE! Go to and make one! Check back later and I will post a like to the list I will make!



Lance Came In Third!

A major upset! I was really hoping Contador wouldn't win. Why? Well it kind of upset me when he was all, "I feel that Levi and Lance are talking bad about me because i can't speak english!" Come on! I don't know Lance personally, but I do know that he wouldn't talk bad about anyone! I think that is pretty stupid of him to even think that! I'm glad that Lance won third!

Here is a little tip..

Don't ever start a website with! I thought I was going to make it big in the first few weeks with them, and of course I decided to pay them MONTHLY, because hey, you gotta spend money to make money! And that was back in January. So to make a long story short, I didn't make any money, so I moved over here to! WAYYY BETTER! So don't go with because they make it incredibly hard to cancel the services that you are paying for. I am so glad I didn't decided to get the year package!

Dirty Girl PT 2 Lights Out

Here is the latest song by Bobby Light called Light's Out! It's just not the same without Big Black. Big Black where are you? Come save Bobby Light!


Latest Photo Competition Entry!

Check it out! Here is the latest photo that was entered this morning. Keep them coming! There are only 5 days left till the 2 winners are announced! Yes, I said 2 winners, because there are 2 competitions! An Animal competition, and you in your favorite Michael Jackson pose competition. If you want to enter, send your photos to


Saturday, July 25, 2009

What happens when you put LIBBY into YouTube

This is the first video that popped up!

Strange huh? But you gotta admit they are pretty cute haha

I wonder if Lance Armstrong felt the same way getting back onto a bike the same way i feel right now as i'm running! I can't run at all anymore! Oh well, at least I am out here getting a burn on and getting some fresh air! Too bad i can't send a photo yet, or else i would! Check/follow me on twitter and you will see a picture! ! Mobile bloging needs some work!

Crazy Old People!

WOW old people think they can do whatever they want, and say whatever the want!

Crazy Bitch!


Racism in the Hospital?

Here is a little food for thought. I read an article on CNN while waiting to go to the gym that said, people are being judged on their skin color while visiting the hospital. Really? Really? I personally don't like racism, I think everyone should be treated equally, that is until your personality comes out! If you give an attitude to someone and automatically put yourself on some high horse, of course people are going to treat ANYONE differently! DUH! That is just common sense! I can't tell you how many landscape jobs where the people wanting the work gives bad attitudes towards you, and of course you can't say anything back, but your work performance changes drastically! Here is the article from CNN..
(CNN) -- John Reid, a retired businessman, came home from a Caribbean cruise a few years ago with an infected toe as a souvenir. As a diabetic, he knew it was serious, so he went to the emergency room near his home in New York City. There, he says, the first doctor he saw ordered an immediate amputation, scheduling him for surgery right then and there. Horrified, he argued with the doctor, insisting there had to be a way to avoid lopping off his toe. "You'd better bring the head doctor in here," he said.

Reid says the more senior doctor prescribed a long-term regimen of intravenous antibiotics and physical therapy -- a treatment much more expensive and time-consuming than an amputation -- and saved his toe.

Reid, who is African-American, firmly believes that if he'd been a white man, the junior doctor wouldn't have been so quick to order the cheaper and more drastic solution over his objections.

"I think it was very disrespectful. As a matter of fact, I think she was looking down on me," he said. "She just decided that, this guy was a minority [and] we're going to do whatever we feel like doing without consulting you."

Reid says he thinks the young doctor assumed he wasn't smart enough to think through a medical decision. "She just felt like minorities are all the same -- they don't know anything, they're not intelligent, they're not educated," says Reid, a retired real estate agent who once ran his own business with nearly two dozen employees. "If she had known my background, I don't think she would have treated me that way."

I don't know about you, but I call total CRAP! How ignorant can one person be? If you want racism to be dead and gone, then stop blaming everything on it! DUH! Oh and Whooopppeeed freekin do! Your a REAL ESTATE AGENT, I know one and he is a total tool! Your not Downald Trump hahhaha


2nd Gen Ipod Touch Problems!

Is anyone else having problems with the new 3.0 iPod upgrade? I SURE AS HECK AM! It sucks! I can't even go on the internet, or go into the app store, iTunes store, anything that requires an internet connection! I can't believe I paid $10 for worthless software that doesn't even work! I love how when I plug the iPod into my computer, there isn't a fix for it. UGH Apple screwed me this time! Thank GOD for the iPod Nano, or else I would be out of music!


100 Miles! 60 LEFT!

Day 2 of having the new scooter, and 40 Miles on the speedo! Ridding through South Side of the Village reminds me of when those 2 kids in 28 Weeks Later rode through their old part of town! I made a picture to show you what I mean. I wish I could take a ridding photo but I'm not quite that talented! So I used a photo from the Road Trip and edited it accordingly!

I so want an enduro bike now!


A day without ridding is like a day without surfing! I wish my dang helmet that I ordered would come! I think I'm going to make an unboxing video.... Even though part of me thinks they are pretty stupid! It's like they always say oh! I wonder what came? Even though it's like come on, we know you are a normal person that looks on UPS every single day Haha. And plus, no one can get that many shipments everyday that they don't know what is coming for them! :-) Mobile blogging is really tiring for my thumbs! But hey it is pretty hand to just pull my phone out and blog! PEACE!
(Hey hey hey)Mobile blog!
Lies lies lies! If there is one thing I hate is liars! Little girls that lie about their iTunes downloads so they don't have to pay! Honestly why the hell would I want to download 10,000 miles by vanassa carlton?! See what I mean? Parents these days aren't thinkin with their dipsticks! There is no way in hell I am paying $3 for songs that I will never listen to. PEACE! (APPLE SIGN GOES HERE)
I'm really starting to love the mobile blogging! The only thing i would change would be that you can put a heading on each post! Now, here is just something I have to get off my head. Last night we were talking about some pretty gross stuff and one thing that came up was farting. I personally don't have a problem with it, in the right setting it can be pretty fun! But! I was told something I wish i never heard, when you fart and someone else smells it, say, you know that was just in my butt! HOW GROSS IS THAT? WAY! THAT IS WAY GROSS! Let me know what you think!

Borat is in the new Half Life 2

Haha look at this video I came across, I personally love it, because I think the movie Borat was pretty funny! 208 Lawsuit funny : )

Make a statement and pretend it is true and then at the end say NOOOT!



Photo Slideshow!

So in the past 2 weeks, there has only been 1 entry! Since I was on the road I didn't have time to upload it! So now I am all caught up and you can view all the entries right here!

Enjoy! I wish they could have a slideshow I could put on here! But hey, maybe that would be asking too much!

Bathroom manors! Really is it that hard to have SOME bathroom manors? I don't think so! It really grosses me out when i go to use my nice electric tooth brush and it smells like a stay put! (vagina) Come on! Leave my tooth brush alone! I'm not pointing any fingers at any suspects, because really I don't want to know! But ugh why did you have to use mine?! Teeth brushing is supposed to be clean, not dirty! Maybe I can make an FML video about it!


Friday, July 24, 2009

Photo Competition!

Hey don't worry both photo competitions are still on! Here is a cool video to watch while you are waiting for it to end!


100 Miles!

Wow ridding around Vandenberg Village for 100 miles sure takes a heck of a time! We have put 28 miles on the new scooter today at 30 MPH. I am so glad the Zuma was already broken in! What to say about the new scooter.. I do like the handlebars on it! They are like a real motorcycle! It does take awhile to get up to speed, and during the burnout competition it for sure lost! I got my Dust to Glory on with the Zuma! Lets see if the Mobile Blogging will work and I can send a picture of the new scooter from my phone!


First Post!

I like Blogspot. It is nice and easy to use! No more of that Freewebs stuff that was charging me up the Yin-Yang! You know what is sick about this place? Mobile Blogging! I could be on the road somewhere and want to post a blog, (Ok I could do that with the last place but it wasn't as easy) and then BAM put a picture with it! (couldn't do that!) Pretty sick if you ask me! : ) So this is where I will be posting all my stuff from now on! STAY TUNED!